2020 in Review


2020 has certainly not been what anyone expected. We reworked plans over and over to create a new normal. It was hard work but honestly, some of those changes have turned out to be an improvement on how we did things before. We’re proud of our accomplishments as a small business, as artists, as team […]

Art & Self-Care During COVID

Vedic Paperweight 10

While we’re all spending more time in our homes and living through uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to focus on self care. Taking time out to focus on the beautiful, safe and familiar things can help keep us grounded through this ever changing world we’re living in. Art and self-care really go hand […]

Small Businesses We Love (And You Will Too!!)

Now is the time to support your favorite small businesses

This week wanted to take a break from our posts about glass (just for a minute!) and focus on community. Michigan’s stay at home order has been extended through the end of the month. Some restrictions have been lifted so businesses are starting up with crubside pickup and continuing online orders. We wanted to recognize […]

Finding Creativity During a Pandemic

I Sing the Song

In Michigan, we have entered our third week of stay at home order. As we navigate and adjust to this new (but temporary) way of living, we’re holding on to the things that feel familiar and safe. Creative expression is such an important part of life. As artists, it’s not a choice, it something we […]

10 Ways to Help Others Through COVID-19

Look out for each other! With distance!

As the numbers keep rising, it’s easy to feel hopeless and helpless and it’s understandable to feel that way. We always recommend taking care of your own mental health. If you feel the need to help others at this time (and if you can, you should!) here are 10 Ways to Help Others Through COVID-19. […]

10 Ways to Pass the Time During Quarantine

10 Ways to pass the time during quarantine

We’re going through a crazy, unprecedented time right now so it’s super important to take care of your mental health by doing activities that feed your soul. We wanted to share some relaxing and fun ideas.  Last week, we made a list of local small businesses you can help out. You can find that post […]

How to Support Small Businesses During COVID-19

How to Support Small Businesses During COVID-19

We’re all going through this crazy time together so we wanted to put aside the fearful news updates for a minute and give you some ideas on how we can work together to make things better for our hearts and our communities. Small businesses are hurt by this virus. These businesses are the backbone and […]