I Sing the Song

Finding Creativity During a Pandemic

In Michigan, we have entered our third week of stay at home order. As we navigate and adjust to this new (but temporary) way of living, we’re holding on to the things that feel familiar and safe. Creative expression is such an important part of life. As artists, it’s not a choice, it something we must do. During good times and bad times. We wanted to take this time to share with you how we’re finding creativity during a pandemic.

April's Art
I Sing the Song
Mantis V3
EpiCycles Red

April has been working on an incredible new sculpture series titled Epicycles that look like modern art paintings made three-dimensional. Using pulled glass parts she builds these complex yet simple freestanding and wall sculptures. April uses soft, rich colors to pull your eye around the sculptures. These delightful, energetic pieces are flurry of emotion and energy and a stunning example of how creativity combats fear and uncertainty in the days of change.  

Becca's Eyes
Jared's Bonsai Trees
Natalie's Watercolor Cards
Shannon's Painting
Chris's Record Bowls

We’re not in the studio blowing glass, but #teamepiphany is staying creative. Becca and Jared each have their own lampworking setups and have been working on different projects. Becca has been experimenting with making large blue eyeballs, while Jared has been making tiny bonsai trees. Moving away from glass art, Natalie made watercolor cards to send out to friends while we’re all in quarantine. Shannon made a beautiful painting using acrylics on canvas. Last, Chris repurposed old records and made them into bowls. 

Creativity Around the World

People all over the world are finding unique ways to stay creative and sharing them on the internet. Here are some ideas you might want to try yourself!

Recreating Famous Artwork

A quirky trend that has taken off on social media is people recreating famous works of art. They use whatever they can find around their house (toilet paper, cleaning supplies, even their pets) to mimic various paintings. We really love the creativity people are putting into this. Find some of these fun recreations here. Click on each image to be taken to that person’s Instagram page.

Puzzles from Artwork

Heather Saunders is a Detroit-based photographer. She has started making her gorgeous photographs of flowers into puzzles that will challenge your mind and keep you busy for days. Above are just a few of the beautiful puzzles you can purchase on her website. Click each image to be taken to that particular puzzle. 

Celebrate Creatively

Life is still going on. Birthdays and holidays are still going to come and go. We might not be able to celebrate in person with loved ones, but we can still find ways to spread happiness. People have been having parties over Zoom, FaceTime and even Facebook Live. These are great ways to watch the action in real time. You might not be able to go out to the store to get someone a present but you can send them a birthday box! A few weeks ago we did this for Shannon for her birthday with the help of Amazon Prime. We sent over some paints, brushes and canvases for a quarantine-friendly activity and included a birthday banner. It’s a bit tricky because even with Prime shipping, mail is traveling a bit slow, but if you plan ahead a bit you can make it happen!

If you’re in need of a present for any occasion, take a look in our webstore for beautiful and unique glass art. We’re currently offering Free Shipping with the code ‘art glass’. We usually ship in 1-2 business days and if you’re local, your package usually arrives in another few days. If you need something really last minute, consider an e-gift card that can be used online and in-person. With each purchase of a gift card, you’ll receive a coupon to use on a future order. We’re sure you’ll find something perfect for any celebration!

Lacking Creativity?

It can be a difficult time to feel creative. Nature is always inspiring, so taking walks outside (while social distancing) can help spark some ideas. Books, movies and other creative outlets like Pinterest and Instagram can also be great outlets for finding your muse. Hope these resources as well as the ones below help you get back to creating!

Creativity in the age of coronavirus
6 Creative Ways to Send Mail During Quarantine
5 tips to spark your creativity while working alone, from artists who do it all the time
The Art Newspaper


We hope everyone has been staying healthy, happy and safe. We have some new studio updates that can be found here.

#HeartsForHealthcare is running weekly. Nominate a special healthcare worker to receive a beautiful handmade glass heart paperweight. One name is chosen every Friday. Click here to submit a nomination.

As always, you can also keep up-to-date with us on Facebook and Instagram or by subscribing to our newsletter (which is currently going out every Friday). 



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