Woman Owned Business

We are proud to be a Certified Woman Owned Business!

March is Women’s History Month and March 8th is International Women’s Day. At epiphany studios this is such a meaningful time for us. We firmly believe women deserve recognition and respect for their accomplishments. We take note of the power of women to make the world we live in a better place. epiphany studios is a Certified Woman […]

Awards & Corporate Gifts


Recognizing the hard work and support of those connected to your business by creating unique corporate gifts and awards can help set your company apart from the competition. Whether presented to employees, vendors or clients, awards can help to instill a sense of satisfaction, provide incentive to work harder or give more support, and create a deeper connection and stronger loyalty […]

Art & Self-Care During COVID

Vedic Paperweight 10

While we’re all spending more time in our homes and living through uncertain times, it’s more important than ever to focus on self care. Taking time out to focus on the beautiful, safe and familiar things can help keep us grounded through this ever changing world we’re living in. Art and self-care really go hand […]

Websites for Artists – A Must Have

Website Homepage

Original Post: March 10, 2019Updated: September 10, 2020 We’re excited to let you know that we have some fresh updates coming to epiphanyglass.com! We’ll have more information in the near future. Creating a great user experience for our customers is so important for us, so we’re working hard to take things to the next level. And […]

Kickstarter for Artists: How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Kickstarter for Artists: How to Run a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

If you follow us on social media, you know that through all of September we ran a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for the expansion of our studio – and it was hugely successful! We started the campaign with the goal of reaching $25k to cover our site survey, which we were able to raise […]

The Art School Graduate Guide: Plan and Start Your Artistic Career

Which route will you take as an art school graduate?

So you decided to go to art school, worked hard, pulled countless all-nighters and graduated – Congratulations! But what now? As an art school graduate, you may be at a bit of a loss of where to go next. There are a lot of important decisions to make – including if you even want to […]

Art School: Is it worth it… or is there another way?

team epiphany!

With the prices of higher education constantly increasing, it’s extremely important to consider the value of the education you’ll receive. Will you have to take out loans? Are scholarships available? What resources and opportunities can school provide you? These questions become even more important in regards to art school – high cost education in one […]