What’s Ahead in 2021

Last week we took a look back on 2020 (which you can read about here). This week we want to share some of what we have in store for 2021!

Studio Expansion

As you know, we were planning to break ground on our new expansion last April but Covid came along and we had to postpone. We’re exciting that we’re now looking to get started this year!

If you don’t remember what our studio expansion involves, the studio you know now will be undergoing some changes but mostly staying the same. The big change will be the two story building we are building so April can work on large-scale sculptures. We’re so excited for the growth and for this long awaited project to get started! Learn more about our expansion on our Kickstarter page and blog. And keep an eye out for updates!

Plans for this year's addition!

Furnace Rebuild


Glass furnaces don’t last forever and ours has reached the end of its life. That means we’re planning a furnace rebuild. This is a very intensive process that will put us out of commission for about a month. 

This is another project that we’ve been planning for since the beginning of 2020 and had to postpone. Last year we had to order a furnace liner, which was quite the process. It had to be made and shipped all the way from India! You can imagine how long it took to get here. 

Just last week we got more pieces of the puzzle, so we’re aiming to get started once everything else arrives. This starts with a cool down of the furnace, which will take two weeks, two weeks to take apart and rebuild the furnace and another two weeks to get back up to temperature.

We’ll definitely be posting more about this process, so stay tuned. If you want to learn more about our hot shop and the equipment we use, check out our glassblowing 101 blog here.

New Art

What we’re always the most excited about at the start of a new year is the new art we’ll be making. April likes to spend January playing around with glass in new ways and this usually results in a brand new sculpture series like last years Epicycles or The Mechanics from the year prior. It’s always exciting to see what she comes up with!

We’re also planning on expanding our existing product lines, especially the popular Birds of Beauty collection. 

We’ll even be releasing something new and fresh coming up in the next few weeks. And our newsletter subscribers will get first access to these fun new designs. If you’d like early access to new art throughout the year, subscribe here.

Cremation Memorial Glass Art Process 4

Online Presence

In 2020 we worked hard to expand our webstore and online presence and this year we plan to do the same.

We have exciting ideas for keeping things fresh and exciting on our website, webstore and social media. And we’ll continue to send out our newsletter weekly and to keep you up-to-date with what’s happening here in the studio. 

If you have any feedback on what content you’d like to see from us, please feel free to contact us. We love to hear from you!

Open Studios & Seconds in the Garden

We will also be continuing our weekly Saturday Shopping hours from 10am – 3pm. So if you’d like to stop in the studio to do some shopping, we’ll be here!

Last year we had to cancel our Spring Show  because of Covid, but we hope, with low infection rates and the vaccine widely dispersed, to be able to hold our Spring Show this year May 1 & 2. 

Once the weather warms up, we’ll start up our monthly Seconds in the Garden event like we had last year. Read more about these outdoor shopping experiences here.

As of right now, we do not plan to start up workshops until Fall 2021 and this is a tentative timeline. If you’d like to be kept up-to-date on studio events, sign up for our newsletter!

Paperweights add something special to a garden

We do have more planned for 2021, but this is what we can share with you right now! As we said before, to get the latest news on art and to be the first to get access to new art, we’re making our newsletter our hub for our most loyal followers. We’ll be sharing exclusive images, videos and give early access to artwork (and coupons!).

We’re excited for a new year and to see what it will bring us!



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