Thanks to the support of so many, this huge endeavor has finally come to fruition. As many of you know, it was only after years of dreaming, planning, and campaigning that we were finally ready to break ground, only to be locked down for essentially 2 years during the, hopefully once in a lifetime, pandemic.
This update is for all those who have been following us through the entire bumpy but rewarding process as well as for our new followers who are curious about the brand new, shiny black building located next to the glass shop.
So join us as we rewind through the wheres, whys, and whens of this project, celebrating the journey and enjoying the rewards!

The dream of adding to the studio was always going to be a huge step in the growth of epiphany studios. From the beginning, April did all the research, talked to clients, mentors, friends, family, bankers (lots and lots of them), the city, and the neighbors. All signs pointed to GO so she knew the time was finally right to build the new studio. Originally slated to be an addition to the existing building it quickly became evident that a new, stand-alone structure would be the better option. Architectural plans and site surveys were completed in mid-2019 and approved by the city in December, 2019. Site excavation started in early 2020 and construction was to be completed by October, 2020. But life, and the world, had other plans. Everything came to a screeching halt in the spring of 2020 and there we sat with our dreams on pause, not knowing what the future held. At last, as masks came off and the world started spinning again, so did the wheels of construction.

Once things got started we began to see the dream becoming a reality. Each week we were excited to share any construction progress, no matter how small, because that meant we were one step closer to completion. So from concrete pads, cat doors and a toilet, to high rafters, a dedicated photo room, and large glass transom windows, we had a beautiful and functional space filled with natural light. The openness, height of the space, and massive rolling doors allow for large sculptures to easily be moved about and the installations to take shape in the safety of the studio. Finally, after uncooperative weather, our parking lot was poured and finished. The icing on the cake was beautiful landscaping to enhance the contemporary structure and attract our feathered friends who provide inspiration for us and endless visual entertainment for our studio cats.
While many of you are familiar with the beautiful glass pieces we offer at epiphany studios, like our birds of beauty, sleeping kitties, rocks glasses, pumpkins, paperweights, and ornaments, you may be less familiar with April Wagner’s larger than life, iconic, and place-making sculptures installed all over the country. These larger projects require a lot of space to create and the new building will be the perfect place to do it. It is a 2,600 sq. ft. open floor plan building with a 26′ ceiling. The building is designed to hang sculptures from the ceiling, the walls, or stand on the floor, and have room to breathe and be fully realized. The bonus is that it is only steps away from the glass furnaces where all of her art takes shape.
The Week By Week Rewind
For those who are patrons and followers of epiphany studios, we have shared the process in detail with you because without you we couldn’t have done it. We make art for you and you are as much a part of this as we are. So we invited you on this adventure of creativity and tenacity, pitfalls and problems, successes and wins . We envisioned this addition as not only a place to create great art but as a community space to bring the art of glassblowing to all of those around us. We loved sharing our updates with you from our amazing Kickstarter campaign, to breaking ground, all the way to the finished building. Here is a recap of the week-by-week process. From pouring the concrete to putting in the cat door, it was a wild ride!