Magical Maple Leaves


Magical Maple Leaves

A curated selection of our favorite fall colors, in 2 sizes, honoring the ever changing beauty of the Maple.  Made in the true spirit of the season with joy and love for the glorious world around us. These leaves are the perfect companion to our whimsical pumpkins or our stunning birds.

Large Leaves are approximately 5″ x  5″ x 0.5″
Small Leaves are approximately 3.5″ x  3.5″ x 0.5″

Product Description

A curated selection of our favorite fall colors, in 2 sizes, honoring the ever changing beauty of the Maple.  Made in the true spirit of the season with joy and love for the glorious world around us. These leaves are the perfect companion to our whimsical pumpkins or our stunning birds.