Plans for this year's addition!

What’s Ahead in 2020 for epiphany studios

We are well into the new year and want to share with you what is ahead in 2020 for epiphany studios. It’s going to be a groundbreaking (Literally) year for us! 


This Spring we will be breaking ground on our new addition.  We are thrilled to be moving forward with this process after 7 years of dreaming, 3 years of  planning, and 2 years of business classes we are ready to go!  Having this larger space will allow April to create artworks unlike anything you’ve seen come out of the studio before. Iconic, large scale pieces that will take your breath away.  If this news is new to you you can catch up by checking out all the information about it on our Kickstarter page. We’re still taking donations too if you would like to contribute. Click here to make a contribution.

This addition is a huge step in the growth of epiphany studios. We have been sharing the process in detail with you because without you we couldn’t be doing it. We make art for you and you are as much a part of this as we are.  So we want you on this rollercoaster journey of creativity and tenacity, pitfalls and problems, successes and wins . We envision this addition as not only a place to create great art but as a community space to bring the art of glassblowing to all of those around us.  We’ll update you as we break ground and through the whole process of the addition coming to life.

Michigan Humane Society

We’ve been longtime supports and partners of the Michigan Humane Society. As animal lovers, they are an organization that is near and dear to our hearts so we are excited to announce that April has been selected to be on their board! This is a new leadership role for April. After many years of various arts related boards this is her first foray into animal welfare.

If you’d like to help the Michigan Humane Society, you can always contribute on their website to help animals. Click here for more info. We also have adorable glass pet products available and a portion of the proceeds from their sales goes to benefit MHS. Currently, we have Sleeping Kitties available in our webstore, but more items can be found in our studio.

Open Studios

Though we are starting our expansion in the spring, we will still be holding our annual Spring Open Studios! Join us the first weekend in May on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd for this free event. Browse the gallery, view our latest glass art, enjoy lite drinks and snacks, and watch (or take part in!) glassblowing workshops. More information, including what workshop projects we will be offering, will be made available in the near future. 

We will also be holding our annual Holiday Show the first weekend in December, on the 4th, 5th & 6th. To keep up to date with all events in the studio, please sign up for our newsletter here.

Plans for this year's addition!
April is so happy to be on the board of the Michigan Humane Society!
Kitty Workshops in 2020!
epiphany at the DSO


Aside from holding workshops during our Open Studios, we are also offering them one day a month in February, March and April. Right now you an register for our March 14th workshops where you will get to make an adorable glass kitty. This is the first time we’re offering this project and we can’t wait to see your creations! Sign up here.

After our Spring Show workshops, we will be taking a break from workshops until the fall (it’s just too hot in the studio in the summer). For more info about workshops and our schedule, click here.

epiphany at the DSO & Webstore

If you haven’t been to epiphany at the DSO yet, you have until 2021 to stop by. Yep – we’ll be there all year long! You can keep up – to – date with our weekly hours on the fancy new calendar on our website. (You can also find studio hours, events and workshops on the calendar!) We are generally open along with the symphony, so if you’re at Orchestra Hall, make sure to stop by to view all of our gorgeous glass.

We know not everyone who loves our work can come to the studio or epiphany at the DSO. We want to make our work available and have been working hard adding to our webstore. We currently have a variety of fun items curated especially for Valentine’s Day. We plan to make regular additions so you can have a piece of epiphany even if you can’t come visit us. 

New Line of Work

Last but not least, April is working on a new series of sculptures. Inspired by glass as a molten material and the stunning work of Iris Van Herpen. These pieces are currently in their beginning stages but we’ll be sharing processes and pictures with you throughout the year.

Make sure to follow us on social media and to subscribe to our newsletter to see amazing new artwork, studio events and more. Thanks for continuing to support us in 2020!



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